breaking the silence

April 10, 2008

i used to have long hair, and now i don’t.
i’m okay with this.

i used to love running and training for races, and now i can’t.
(maybe forever).
i’m not so okay with this.

so much change. so little time.

i’m trying not to let my MRI result* (and uncertain prognosis) ruin my vacation. i have still been sleeping up a storm and eating good food and seeing family and RELAXING. but i’m still kind of sad.

* torn/partially detached labrum in the right hip joint. the labrum is apparently some piece of cartilage that they don’t teach you about in med school (or maybe i just forgot). anyway, it can tear and cause irritation/pain at that joint, and it does not heal well on its own. it CAN be asymptomatic, so there is no guarantee that it is causing my symptoms. but it probably is. and that is bad.


  • Reply Bridgette March 10, 2019 at 7:30 pm

    Sorry to hear about your hip. I&#039ll cross my fingers for you that it will heal enough for you to run again, at least recreationally if nothing else. I hope your enjoying the easier maintenance of the short hair–it is a little freeing, isn&#039t it?–and post a pic of the new &#039do if you get a chance. Enjoy the vacation!

  • Reply doctorsquared March 10, 2019 at 7:30 pm

    I&#039m sorry! I know how you feel (even though you&#039re a way better runner than I am!); I hated the first few months of this year when I couldn&#039t run. I hope that you find something else that you can do that doesn&#039t irritate your hip (power yoga or anything?).

  • Reply Michaela March 10, 2019 at 7:30 pm

    Holy moly. That problem scares the crap out of me. I&#039m so sorry! I&#039ve been dabbling in long distance running but stopped after my first race. I got major plantar fasciitis pain and couldn&#039t run after it. It doesn&#039t hurt so much anymore because I&#039ve gotten help with some PT&#039s that I work with. So, I normally just stick to 4 or 5 miles. I love to run but am worried about the negative effects of any major training. I know how it feels to not be able to exercise..I really get moody when I can&#039t. Good luck with everything!

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