still alive

May 9, 2014

I have less time to write now that I am back at work.  SHOCKING, yes?  (No.)  But I do miss it already, and I’m still alive.

Very tired, but alive.

Limited updates:

1) I haven’t cried yet, but I am sad to be away from C when he is still so little.

2) I am, however, enjoying work.  I am so incredibly thankful that I LIKE what I do, because otherwise the whole situation (leaving a less-than-3-month-old at home) would just feel horrible.

3) Pumping is still going well.  Supply is exceeding demand, and my (meticulously accounted-for) freezer stock is on target to exceed 200oz by the end of the week.

4)  I left my keys in a hospital bathroom on Tuesday morning which is a very bad thing to do when you work over 20 miles from home.  However, I am grateful this is the most negative thing I’ve had to deal with in a while.  (Unfortunately, I didn’t have this perspective while it was all happening, but better late than never, right?)

5) Coffee is so key to my existence right now.  Goal tonight: BED BY 9.

6) My unplugged challenge is going imperfectly (definitely did more than 2 email checks today), but I am still doing worlds better than I had been before.  Part of this is probably just being much busier, but I am happy that I don’t feel nearly as tied to the small addicting screen as I did.

7) I have been able to work out/run before work.  Basically, my early AM schedule is:

— 3-4ish: Cameron wakes up (2nd wake up for the night) and eats.
— I sleep until 5ish
— Pump at 5ish
— Quick run or workout, shower
— A&C up at around 6:30

I may be destined for burnout, but this works best in terms of pumping/feeding C.

8) I have a buildup of much more interesting (I think?) post topics to write, but I’m reeling too much from the transition to even think about much else right now.



  • Reply Priyanka March 10, 2019 at 7:14 pm

    I was thinking about you yesterday, wondering how you were adjusting since getting back to work.

    C in the baby bjorn seat looks exactly like A used to look at that age! They look so similar.

  • Reply Laura Vanderkam March 10, 2019 at 7:14 pm

    Thanks for the update. And thanks for posting points 1 & 2. Too often we hear that point 1 should lead to some sort of major, life changing decision. But why? People can feel sad about things. And they can also feel happy about things, like in point 2 — having a job you like. I’m glad the transition is going well.

  • Reply Ana March 10, 2019 at 7:14 pm

    5AM? Whoa, that’s dedication. Really glad to hear its going well for you. Yes, I’m also glad you posted #1, because a lot of time being sad=wrong decision. But there are lots of sad parts that are inherent to life, and you just work through them—as long as the majority of things are happy.

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